
Hello and welcome to WonkyZebra pattern collection and shop. WonkyZebra is a collection of crochet and knitting pattern ephemera in PDF format, for you to use to create your own clothes, home items and toys.
Call them vintage, retro… or just old, the patterns can still be made to the instruction exactly as they were originally. So you can recreate a past design exactly or, of course, give them a slight updating tweak to create your own fresh and unique version.

Your purchased choices are emailed directly to your email inbox and can be opened, stored and printed to use as you need them.

The patterns are reformatted and remastered from high quality first generation scans made from originals held in WonkyZebra’s collection (so they can always be referred to if needed).
WZ is very happy to help with advice on the patterns. I have many years of experience and will always do my best to offer email support to you in using the patterns, should you need it.

Almost all the patterns are in UK English format rather than USA terms. Conversion charts are included and so are WonkyZebra’s personal notes on vintage yarns. (However for crochet terms you basically just ‘downsize’ the stitch name. eg an English DC is an American SC. )

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